“Well, not because Mama majored in biology. It has to do more with what I learned about a specific field of biology.” Joe bit into the chicken breast. Steam escaped his mouth; grease stuck to his lips.
“My class today was about genetics and how it impacts biology.” He sipped from his wine glass between bites of chicken and macaroni.
“Sounds interesting. You must have had a good professor, today? Because you’ve never seemed too interested in biology before?”
“Professor Baptiste is great. He looks like a mad scientist that’s for sure. But, what he was telling us about biology, genetics, viruses and stuff… I felt so connected.” Joe took another sip of wine. “Damn, this is the good stuff.”
“Good in that it was ten bucks,” Mary said. Her voice echoed inside her glass.
“Mary, my professor talked about helping people. Possibly finding cures for things, even maybe someday for cancer.” Joe froze and looked at her as he held his empty wine glass.
Mary squeezed his hand showing she understood what he meant by finding a cure. “Well, if anyone can, that’s you, Babe. I believe in you.” She leaned across the table to kiss his cheek.
“Thanks.” Joe finished eating his chicken and macaroni. He poured another glass of wine. “Did I tell you? Some girl slapped the hell out of Charlie’s face today? Funniest shit I’ve seen in a while.
PRESENT - Stony Brook, New York
1,836 Days Prior to Impact
DARKNESS FILLED THE ROOM. Heavy, thick-fabric curtains draped over the bedroom window with a closed door. Quick, sharp chirps from Joe's alarm clock pierced the silence.
“Ugh, mmm.”
Grunting noises came from Joe as he reached for the snooze button. His eyes remained closed while drifting back to sleep. In a shock, brilliant-bright sunlight rushed into the room as Mary threw open the curtains.
“Wake up, Mr. Sleepy Head.” She sang, “Good morning. You gotta get up. You’re gonna be late.”
Joe lay motionless hoping Mary would stop and let his sleep last another few minutes. Mary shook Joe’s lone, exposed foot sticking out from under the cover.
“Ugh, it’s too early,” he said stretching, reaching for the pillow to cover his eyes. Joe wanted to drown out her way too cheerful singing this morning.
“Today’s the big day. You’ve got two hours to get ready before your limo is here.”
Joe released a lengthy moan as he turned over to his side away from the sun and his morning cheerleader.
“I wonder what the neighbors will say when the limo shows up,” she said snatching the pillow away from his face.
“Come, here.” Joe stretched out his arms to her grabbing her waist. “Have I told you how much I love you?”
“Yeah, but tell me, again.”
“I love you…” he said pulling her onto the bed, “… this much.” Joe tickled Mary as her punishment for waking him, as they giggled rolling on the mattress.
After a long-exaggerated kiss, Mary pulled away from Joe. “I’ll go make us breakfast, while you shower. I want to make sure you’re not rushed before going off to Denver.”
With one last sigh, Joe threw the blanket off his legs and sat on the side of the bed rubbing his eyes. After a shower, he joined Mary downstairs in their kitchen.
“Is that bacon I smell? I thought that was off limits because of my last doctor visit?”
“Well, I know how much you love it, and heck, why not, Mr. Speaker.” Mary smiled preparing their plates. “So, are you ready for your presentation?”
“Yeah, I mean, no one knows this topic more in the world than me, so it will be an easy talk. What I’m not too sure of are the questions the audience will ask, ‘cause I’m not even sure who all will be there?”
“Well, you’ll be wonderful. Who knows who you might meet there? You may even get someone interested to fund more of your research?”
“In all honesty, that’s what I’m hoping comes out of this. They said the Eden Foundation wanted to change the world.”
The breakfast food disappeared from his plate as Joe excused himself from the table. He kissed Mary before going back upstairs, while she cleaned the kitchen.
With the last glass emptied from the sink, Mary yelled upstairs. “Sweetie, your ride is here. You will not believe it when you see it.”
Joe came downstairs with his suitcase in hand and backpack over his shoulder. As the doorbell rang, Joe opened the door. The driver stood in the doorway dressed in a black suit with black sunglasses and a flat, black driver’s hat. Only the driver’s red lapel pin stood out.
“Good morning, Dr. Bishop, my name is Thomas. I am here to take you to the airport and accompany you to Denver.”
“Great, I’ll be out there in a couple of minutes.” Joe held back his true excitement as he handed his bag to Thomas.
Mary came out of the kitchen. Joe hugged and kissed her goodbye, whispering in her ear. “Can you believe it… a stretch limo?”
“I love you and am so proud of you,” Mary whispered back to Joe.
“I love you too. I’ll call you tonight when I get to the hotel.”
Mary watched Joe walk down the sidewalk toward the car. Thomas already had the back door of the limo open waiting for Joe.
“Such a beautiful day,” Joe said as he entered his ride.
“Yep, but I think storms are coming later tonight.”
Joe sat in the back-seat as Thomas closed the door. A bottle of champagne on ice welcomed him.
“What kind of conference am I going to?”
The limo backed out of the driveway. Joe reached for the champagne and popped open the top of the bottle. Bubbles raced to Joe’s hand as he poured himself a glass.
“Cheers to me,” Joe said lifting his glass in the air.
He sipped from the glass as the Stony Brook campus passed. “I deserve this. It sure has been a long journey.”
He sat his glass on the small table protruding from the sidewall by the rear door. His hands were cold and wet from pouring the champagne.
Joe leaned back in the plush leather seat. With his thumb, he rubbed the underside of his wedding ring as he closed his eyes recalling distant memories the last time he had received the same type of treatment from an organization. A nervous smile crept across his face.
August 3, 2001
Stony Brook, New York
FOR JOE, RUNNING through campus was his way to relieve stress. He ran by the stately brick buildings around the Student Quad at Stony Brook. Most of his route took him along trails following the winding stream flowing through campus. This made a natural border between the academic and student dormitory sections.
His 5K route relaxed him, surprising given his mix CD of heavy-metal music blaring in his ears. This was his alone time. Time away from exams, student loan dues, and having to pay the mounting bills collecting in their apartment.
Today's run, he reflected on his latest telephone interview with Sauvage Enterprises. A start-up pharmaceutical company in Paris, France, Sauvage specializes in human genome research. Their mission is to identify causes of various cancers in hopes to find a cure.
Alone, listening to Metallica, thoughts about the interview raced through his mind.
I think it went well… I hope I explained my research work okay… Dammit.
He stopped along the stream to tie his right shoelace. His Sony CD Walkman slipped out of the front pocket of his shorts. With ninja-like reflexes, Joe caught it in mid-air.
“That would’ve sucked.”
He continued his run. His thoughts returned.
Paris… Mary said she wanted an adventure when she moved with me from Texas. I hope she was serious?
His thoughts trailed off as he jumped over a small, mud puddle created from last night’s rain.
I can’t believe they contacted me out-of-the-blue. The first thing I need to do is learn how to pronounce it correctly. I wonder what Sauvage means in French anyway? I should look that up—
His thoughts were interrupted.
“Shit!” Joe shouted, throwing his arms into the air. He passed an old man walking his dog, which had made an unexpected turn in front of Joe.
“Watch your dog!” Joe yelled, not realizing how loud his voice was over his music.
Damn dog about made me fall… I should’ve asked if I needed to speak French for the job? I suck at languages. Hell, I don’t even understand any Spanish, and I’m from Texas.
“That’s it, no más,” Joe said out-loud while gasping for air with his hands on his knees. He pulled out his ear buds as they spun in the air below his knees. Music blared.
“Nice ass, Man,” a familiar voice said as Joe turned toward the stream. Charlie walked up out of the water beside the footpath.
“Dude, what the hell are you doing in the crick?” Joe asked standing upward with his stomach heaving in-and-out.
“Collecting water samples for the lab.” Charlie held up a wire basket filled with white, four-inch-long test tubes. Water dripped from the bottom of the basket. “Crick? What the hell is a crick, Man? You must be from Texas or somethin’?”
“Crick… creek… whatever,” Joe said, bending again to pick up a small rock to throw towards Charlie.
“Well, actually, we call it a brook. Hello, it’s Stony Brook after all,” Charlie said, lifting his nose into the air in a snobbish way.
“Dude, you’re from Georgia.”
“I know, but we call it a creek from where I’m from.”
“So, how’s your first week of grad school going?” Joe asked as he stopped his CD player.
Charlie approached closer. “Good, I guess. We’ve just been doing a lot of safety training in the lab. Hell, today’s the first day I’m doing anything by collecting these damn samples.”
“What are you trying to find in the samples?”
“We’re looking to see what type of microbes are in the water on campus because so many people live here. I’m collecting various samples along the whole route of the crick.” Charlie nudged Joe’s left shoulder at the same time delivering his unmistakable ‘Charlie laugh.’
“So, how are the interviews coming, Mr. Summa Cum Laude? I’m sure the companies are lining up to speak to you?”
They walked up from the pathway to the main street through campus. “Yeah, the interviews are going okay. I’m trying to find the right fit instead of just jumping into the first offer.”
“Offer? I bet you’ve had some good ones? And, it has to be hard to turn down money now. Joe, guys like you and me, we didn’t come from much. It must be real tempting.”
“Well, I had an interview with a very interesting company this morning,” Joe said. “Get this; the job’s in Paris.”
“Texas?” Charlie said kidding.
“Oui, la France,” Joe said. His breath returned to him allowing Joe to speak in a normal voice.
“Ooh la la. The women there are très bon”
“You speak French?”
“Dumbass, that means thank you. I, at least, know that,” Joe said. “Yeah, this company contacted me through some headhunter agency I sent my resume. Seems like a great company, and the work is something I’m interested in. But, Paris though?”
“Yeah, I can imagine that would be a culture shock. Hell, Long Island was your first experience of a culture shock coming from Texas.”
“True. But, this is another country.”
“Well, you’ve visited New Jersey before,” Charlie said laughing, almost dropping two of his test tubes. “What does Mary think about it? She will go also, I suppose?”
“Well, I haven’t exactly told her about it yet. It was just a phone interview this morning.”
“Man, I’ve only been with Becky for the last year, but I’m smart enough to know you better talk to her soon about it. Engage her. Get her opinion.”
“Dude, you’ve been watching too much Oprah,” Joe said as he lightly punched Charlie’s shoulder.
“Ugh, Becky records that shit, and we watch it at night.” Charlie paused for a few seconds. “She makes me watch, you know?”
“Sure. Man. Whatever.”
They left campus, down the street to the Irish Pub. Charlie’s lab was in the same direction as Joe’s apartment. The campus was quiet, absent of students during the time between summer session and the fall semester.
“So, did the person who interviewed you at least sound interested in you on the phone?” Charlie asked, stopping to peer through the window of the bar where his girlfriend, Becky, has worked the past two years during college.
“I guess. The guy I spoke to… his name is Gabe, seemed pretty cool and all. He said they would be in touch soon about next steps.” Joe stopped walking and turned back to Charlie, who had stopped.
“Gabe? What kinda name is Gabe?” Charlie asked as he put his hand over his forehead, blocking out the sun to see inside the pub.
“Is Becky working today?”
“Yeah, I see her in there.” Becky waved at them from inside the bar. Charlie moved toward the door.
“Well, tell Becky I said hello. I have to run. Mary and I are having a Friday date night, and I smell terrible.”
“Dude, ask that girl to marry your sorry ass already,” Charlie said opening the door. “See your smelly ass later…”
Joe continued down the block and crossed the highway from campus. That’s it… it’ll be perfect. Mary has always loved Paris.
September 10, 2001
Paris, France
“WOW, IT’S SO BEAUTIFUL. But, I thought it would’ve been bigger?”
“There you go again, Mary, always finding a fault in something. But, I would have thought The Mona Lisa would’ve been bigger too,” Joe said.
Mary grabbed Joe’s hand leading him away from the da Vinci masterpiece. They shuffled through throngs of onlookers inside the Louvre Museum. “Hey, let’s go over here.” She pulled him around the corner and surprised him with a kiss. “Have I told you, thank you, yet for bringing me to Paris?”
“Uh, yeah, like a hundred times already.” He enjoyed the surprise kiss.
“Well, here’s a hundred-and-one.” After kissing him, she released her grip around his waist.
They weaved through the herd of people, who were examining the exhibits. Joe and Mary were in lock-step with a local art appreciation school group, which had slowed their progress through every turn in the exhibit halls. With every magnificent work of art, a hippy-looking teacher stopped and garnished the attention of her thirty high-school students explaining the artists’ interpretations.
Joe and Mary stopped in a palatial section of the museum eavesdropping on the teacher’s description of the Monet paintings. Large windows lined the concave ceiling allowing natural light to fill the display hall.
Mary tugged on Joe’s jacket sleeve to get his attention. “It still amazes me…" She paused a moment to take in the beauty of the Monet paintings.
“What amazes you?”
“That all these works of art are here. I’ve seen them in textbooks and movies. But, to see them in person is amazing.” Her mouth opened wide awestruck at Monet’s Waterlilies painting. “Oh, my God, Joe. Remember in my bedroom in high school; I used to have a poster of this on my wall.”
“How can I not? I recall us making out many times under that picture.” He playfully tickled her side through her sweater as they reminisced an innocent time.
“So, where are we going next?” Mary asked.
“You’ll just have to wait and see.” Joe held her hand in his excitement of his plan.
“Oh, come on, you know how I hate surprises.” She enticed him with a peck on his cheek.
“You’ll find out soon.”
Joe and Mary exited the museum. Crowds of tourists sauntered around the gigantic glass pyramid in the main courtyard of the Louvre Museum. The ancient symbol stood as a modern beacon welcoming visitors to the museum.
They continued through the sea of peop
le. The Paris sky was brilliant, not a cloud overhead as the sun crested through the high-noon hour.
“Here, stand up on this… I have an idea.” Mary pointed at one of the two-foot-tall, cylindrical cement posts, which prevent entry of vehicle traffic in the pedestrian area around the museum a hundred-feet in front of the pyramid.
Always open to her requests, Joe amused her by stepping up on top of the round column. Mary backed away from him. To her face, she held her digital camera, which he had given her as a college graduation present.
“So, we talked about my interview yesterday, but you didn’t say what you did while I was gone?” Joe asked.
“Okay, now turn a little to your side and hold your hand up like this.” She demonstrated by extending her arm above her head with her wrist pointing downward. Joe followed her commands.
As he got into position, she looked into her camera and took his picture. “I told you. I walked around the Champs-Élysées. That’s all… there… you have to come see this.”
He stepped down and walked to her as she held out the camera. “Wow, that’s so cool. I look like a giant holding down the pyramid.”
They walked from the pyramid through an arched, brick doorway separating the museum area from the streets of Paris. Bicycle bells interrupted the whirring of cars passing by as they turned off the road to cross the pedestrian Pont des Arts Bridge over the River Seine.
Dozens of couples strolled by them as they came to a stop in the middle of the bridge. The musty, damp air engulfed them from the below river. They leaned against a railing watching the passing river cruise boats as the two-hundred-year-old bridge built by Napoleon supported them in the center of Paris.
Accordion music and scents of distant pastries lifted in the air across the river. Teenagers sat in groups dotted along both banks of the river; a popular place for the locals.
“It’s so beautiful here.”
“Mary, you’re beautiful.” Joe dug his hands into the small of her back, pulling her closer. “You make everything more beautiful.”
The excitement in his voice was palpable as he kissed her grabbing her hand to lead her across the bridge. Dark-green, painted metal booths stretched down the riverbank as they stepped from the pedestrian bridge. Local merchants filled each stand with books and magazines for sale, carrying on centuries’ old traditions.